Check all that apply and add up score at the end.
V- I am slender
P- I am medium build
K- I am well built and i gain weight no matter what I do
V- My skin is dry, thin and itches often
P- My body looks flush, I have lots of moles and freckles
K- My skin is smooth and soft and pale sometimes
V- My hair is dry and brittle
P- My hair is neither dry or oily (men receding hair line)
K- My hair is thick, lustrous and slightly oily
V- My face is oval
P-My face is triangular
K- My face is round
V- My eyes are small and often dry
P- My eyes are medium in shape
K- My eyes are big and round in shape with full eyelashes
V-My hands are dry and rough, slender fingers, and and dry nails
P-My hands are moist, pink, medium soft fingers and nails
K- My hands are firm, thick fingers, and strong smooth nails
V- My joints are small, prominent bones and often crack
P- My joints are medium and loose
K-My joints are large with lots of muscle surrounding
V-I am a very active person, always on the go, mind always thinking
P-I like to think before I do anything
K- I am steady and graceful, I don't like to rush
V-I walk and talk fast
P- I am very thoughtful and precise
K- I like a slower pace and I take time to accomplish things
V- I do not sleep soundly, I toss and turn, and wake up early
P- I am a light sleeper but can go back to sleep easily
K-I am a heavy sleeper
V-Sometimes hungry, sometimes not
P- I am always hungry
K-I don't feel hungry and can easily go without food
V- I tend to get constipated and go a few days without a bowel movement
P-I am regular and stools are loose ( I tend to get diarreha)
K- I have no problem, I wake up and go to the bathroom
V- My voice tens to be weak and hoarse
P- I have a strong voice and tend to get load
K- My voice is deep and has a good tone
V-I am a born worrier and am often anxious and nervous
P- If things don't happen my way I often feel irritable and angry
K- I am a happy person, caring and loving
V- I love warm and humid weather
P- I enjoy cool weather, dislike a warm climate
K-I like warm dry weather
V-I sweat a little but not much
P- I sweat profusely and might have an unpleasant odor
K- I never sweat unless working very hard
V-I remember quickly and forget quickly
P-I remember what I want to remember and never forget
K-It takes me awhile to remember but once I do I never forget
V- I need to be spontaneous
P-I am a list maker, unless I plan, I don't do anything
K- I don't like to plan, I prefer to follow others
V-I like to do things in spurts and tend to get tired easily
P-I have a medium stamina
K-I can work long hours and maintain my stamina
V- My mind gets restless and starts racing
P-I get impatient easily
K-It takes a lot to make me mad, I'm usually very calm
V- I change my mind often and take time to make a decision
P- I can make a decision easily and will stick to it
K- I want others to make decisions
V- "can you change my mind?"
P- It's my way or the high =way
K- Don't worry, be happy
V-I like action
P- I like to win
K- I like to have fun
V-I often have pain, constipation, axiety and depression
P- I often get fevers, skin infections, heartburn, and hypertension
K-I tend to get allergies, weight gain, congestion and digestive problems
V- I like art (drawing, painting, dance)
P- I like sports, politics and anything that gets my adrenaline pumping
K- I like nature, gardening, reading, and knitting