Healing Energy

Infrared is part of the natural spectrum. It is a safe, gentle form of light waves that stimulate cellular warmth and growth. Infrared is measured in 3 different wave lengths, Near, Mid and Far and each do something different for our bodies and nature. Infrared is invisible to the eye but the evidence is in how it makes you feel. You can detoxify, relax, improve circulation, sleep better, recover faster, and boost your immune system.


Sauna Programs

  • Anti-Aging : A low, constant intensity level that penetrates tissue to help with various skin concerns. Near-Infrared improves overall skin tone, elasticity, and firmness promoting anti-aging benefits. 30 min session

  • Cardio: Starts with HIGH intensity to increase heart rate and cardiac output, then lowers the intensity to sustain heart rate level. Helps increase circulation and promotes healthy blood pressure. 45 min session

  • Detoxification: Starts with HIGH intensity to increase the body’s core temperature, then reduces to a lower intensity level. Mid and Far Infrared combination improves vascular flow to access the toxins at the cellular level. 37 min session

  • Pain Relief: Far and Mid Infrared blend provides pain relief by reducing inflammation and swelling, while Near Infrared penetrates the tissues promoting cellular repair at a MEDIUM constant intensity. 30 Min Session

  • Relaxation: Far, Mid, and Near combination induces deep relaxation as it releases muscle tension at a LOW comfortable intensity, promoting overall stress reduction. 40 min session

  • Weight Loss: Starts at HIGH intensity level to stimulate the cardiovascular system, then reduces to MEDIUM level as the body works to cool itself. There is an increase in heart rate, cardiac output, and metabolic rate similar to exercise. 30 min session

Enjoy the mind and body benefits of infrared technology.